Saturday, April 4, 2020

DNA test result

DNA screening results done by Embark US company are back for both my African coo #azawakhs.
I am happy and proud to share both and to report, that both Menegee and Inaya are 100% azawakh, and the tests show various aspect on health (184 genetic markers checked), traits, inbreeding. In particular, both have under 1% genetic COI if inbreeding (meaning, that their ancestors would have been relatives) which is fenomenal.

FULL reports see here

Test results for Menegee:


These tests are part of my responsible and transparent breeding program, and hopefully they will both enrich the azawakh breed with their unique genetic inheritance.

So both have one allel for lower ALT activity, which is not an expressed trait in either of them. Even if I decided to mate them together and the puppies - carrying then both allels - would manifest the trait of lower ALT activity, would this not be a genetic health condition, and would be still normal, it would only mean a difference in the "normal" quantity of ALT enzyme in the bloodstream. This what I had been informed about by embark's veterinarian upon my question.

They carry no other desease allels out of 181 screened deseases!

Menegee as a sire has an FCI breeding permit and is available for mating requests, reach out to me if you plan on using him in 2020.

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