Showing posts with label melech ha'olam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melech ha'olam. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Rouchenn's semen successfully frozen

 Last week I managed to also get semen frozen from Rouchenn Melech Haolam (Inaya, Nigerien import X Jamal Eidi N'Amanar), bred by me, who came back into my ownership.

Rouchenn embodies everything that a breeder can hope for, and his refined, elegant phenotype is usually spared for the 3rd generation after country of origin import breeding, but his fathers' genes shine through all that stronger in him. He has very nice smooth, straight wrists, ideal very open angulation in the rear, hind legs, he already has a nice chest, but that will grow even larger. He has a fine head, nice cranial spine, small head, long muzzle. Beautiful colour, good rich pigmentation. I could go on and on. He has typical azawakh personality, is rather shy, but not aggressive, he protects the garden. He holds great promise in coursing or race track, he is as quick and impulsive, as he was as a small puppy. I am very much looking forward seeing him thrive and see him pass on his wonderful genes. Frozen semen can be ordered from me. at 10 months he is 69 cm at shoulders. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Menegee's sperm successfully frozen!

 Today I managed to frozen store Menegee's semen at the Vet university's clinic fertility specialist, conserving it for future use, able to be shipped worldwide, from Hungary. The fertilization only takes an endoscope, no need to even sedate the female, it is a 10 min procedure. This is a unique, unparalelled Menaka, Mali import 100% new African blood sire, FCI registration paper, highly typical and handsome Menegee. This is another important milestone in securing the semen of what is maybe the last imports from the countries of origin. The cells are highly motile, taken at his young age of 2.5 years, tested for re-thawing.

 There are only 2 batches frozen, for 2 females available. Book it today under contacts.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

All puppies are Jamal's offspring, DNA-tests confirmed

 After an excellent customer experience with the national DNA genetic laboratory agency (NÉBIH)

I share the results to serve clarity and happy confirmation:

PDF reports 

The pups can now get FCI Hungarian Kennel Club registration pedigree. They already posess passports and are microchiped. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Megszületett az azawakh alom

 2020 október 24-én napvilágot látott 4/1 azawakh kiskutya, 3 kan elérhető, a negyedik kan pedig sajnos szivárványbaba volt. A csodálatos szuka marad. Elérhetőségem a Kontakt menünél.

                                a szuka marad

Litter born, 3/1

 Puppies arrived! 4/1 puppies born 24th October 2020 (but one lovely male was stillborn) 3 gorgeous males are AVAILABLE. The stunning female stays with me. Paternity test will be conducted following weeks to check Menegee's paternity. Mother is desert-bred Nigerien. They will come with FCI registration pedigree.

0% Coefficient of inbreeding, 50% brand new African blood.

follow social media, fb, insta, youtube for pics and videos.

Friday, October 2, 2020

I will host a facebook live talk in English and Hungarian

 On the 5th of November, I will host a fb live talk about my dogs, my sahel trip and the new litter by Inaya and Jamal Eidi N'amanar / Menegee.

fb live-ot tartok magyarul és angolul

 November 3-án magyarul, és 5-én angolul tartok kiselőadást az agaraimról, a száheli útról, és az akkor már megszületett alomról. Kiskutyák előjegyeztethetők.

Részletekért katt a fb oldalra: 

offspring, 2nd generation after Niger import Inaya, azawakh

  Kel Simoon Wanu (male) and Winta (female) at 9 months here. As a reminder, they are the 2nd generation after my Niger import: Inaya is th...