Saturday, August 21, 2021

Rouchenn's semen successfully frozen

 Last week I managed to also get semen frozen from Rouchenn Melech Haolam (Inaya, Nigerien import X Jamal Eidi N'Amanar), bred by me, who came back into my ownership.

Rouchenn embodies everything that a breeder can hope for, and his refined, elegant phenotype is usually spared for the 3rd generation after country of origin import breeding, but his fathers' genes shine through all that stronger in him. He has very nice smooth, straight wrists, ideal very open angulation in the rear, hind legs, he already has a nice chest, but that will grow even larger. He has a fine head, nice cranial spine, small head, long muzzle. Beautiful colour, good rich pigmentation. I could go on and on. He has typical azawakh personality, is rather shy, but not aggressive, he protects the garden. He holds great promise in coursing or race track, he is as quick and impulsive, as he was as a small puppy. I am very much looking forward seeing him thrive and see him pass on his wonderful genes. Frozen semen can be ordered from me. at 10 months he is 69 cm at shoulders. 

offspring, 2nd generation after Niger import Inaya, azawakh

  Kel Simoon Wanu (male) and Winta (female) at 9 months here. As a reminder, they are the 2nd generation after my Niger import: Inaya is th...