Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Future travels vanish?

On 9th of August 2020 eight people were murdered in Niger in the Giraffe reservatoire, where we also payed a visit two years ago.

As a reaction Frances relevant diplomatique entity deemed essentially the entire country outside the capital a "red zone" https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/niger/#securite


Is it over for the travels to Niger, to the country of azawakhs? Will it be reversed? And we haven't even touched on Covid situation. 

offspring, 2nd generation after Niger import Inaya, azawakh

  Kel Simoon Wanu (male) and Winta (female) at 9 months here. As a reminder, they are the 2nd generation after my Niger import: Inaya is th...